Meet Viscaria's Mine Manager Christopher Wikman
Mine Manager
Christopher, you started as the mining manager at the former Copperstone, now Viscaria, in 2023. What made you join Viscaria?
The job offered an exciting opportunity, and I realised it would be a fun challenge. It's not every day you get the chance to reopen an old mine, especially in your own hometown. What really attracted me was the idea of being part of this project from the beginning and contributing to important decisions alongside the rest of the team. Viscaria has accomplished the remarkable feat of assembling a team with top-notch expertise. This means that although we have a tough task ahead of us, we definitely have the right knowledge to successfully reopen the Viscaria mine.
What is your main responsibility as the mining manager?
Currently, it's about planning for the various project phases we have ahead. I spend a lot of time supporting the mining engineers in the team and ensuring they have the right conditions to make the best possible design choices. We have many issues to address, including providing practical advice and input on design, development, rock reinforcement, etc. Viscaria is an important project, and the list is almost endless. We plan to restart the mine in 2026, which means we need to consider both the next two years of mine preparations and the enormous task of planning for future production. We need to already consider the future organisation, talk to various suppliers, and ensure we are prepared for what comes during full production.
What are the key elements of Viscaria's mine design?
During the previous operation, Viscaria was a mine with both open pit and underground mining, so we make the most of the existing infrastructure. The underground mining method will be long hole stoping with backfill options. Our team has studied the method for a long time and is convinced that we have a well-functioning plan ready to be implemented when we get the green light to start practical work.
The plan is for Viscaria to restart the Viscaria mine in 2026. What does the process look like?
The environmental permit was the most crucial decision for us before we could start preparing the tunnel and thus the infrastructure for mining operations starting in 2026. After years of inactivity, the mine is full of water, so we need to drain the tunnels and drifts to restore the infrastructure that exists and is still usable. This will be the starting point for the mining team. Another important focus area is the feasibility study, which will ensure a complete foundation for future financing and project planning and finalise the mine design, looking at various equipment and solutions.
What will be the biggest challenges for you in reopening and operating Viscaria? Are you ready for the challenge?
It is certainly a challenge to have mine design, infrastructure planning, and staffing in place to reopen Viscaria in 2026. However, the company has a clear plan, and the management has been forward-thinking enough from the start to hire top talent and choose the best partners. Together, we have the experience needed to succeed. Of course, we are ready!